
// Script for Keypad 2.0 (advanced)
// by Oscar (4 Jan 2004)

   // This is a more complex example than the Keypad 1.0
   // Please note that you should look at tutorial that examines the lines
   // otherwise it may be too overwhelming
   // First it asks for the secret access code which can be any length (unlike the 1.0)
   // and all necessary menus and connections are created by script.

   // This script runs automatically after you load the Component
   // You can bypass the script when you hold SHIFT
   // Component access to the objects:
      // in order to know which objects belongs to the component
      // three array variables are filled up:menusInBlackBox,   vmgsInBlackBox, moviesInBlackBox
      // menusInBlackBox retuns the number of menus in box and
      // menusInBlackBox[1] returns what is the order number relative to project of the first menu in box
      // see this example below:
print "Number of Menus in this Component: ",menusInBlackBox
for menu=1 to menusInBlackBox
print "Menu #",menu," in Component is a Menu #",menusInBlackBox[menu]," in a whole project"
next menu
      // note, the number returned by vmgsInBlackBox[x] is in range 1...255,
      // while all Menu functions uses vmg in range 10001-10255
      // that means you have to add 10000 or use function VMG(vmgsInBlackBox[x])
// Get The secret code from user
// use only numbers 1-9

input "This is a keypad component that allows access by code.","The access code can be any lenght, but use only digits 1-9","","Secret Access Code",nCode,"","(c) Oscar 2004"

// terminate script if pressed cancel
if bCancelInput then

// some global font settings for the text object that will be created
fontSize = 70
fontFace = "Arial"
fontX = 317
fontY = 100

// now get the secret access sequence into array
// we will simply divide it by 10 untill there is no more digits

nNum = 1
nTempCode = nCode

//***** nice and happy goto loop :-) ************
10 nNewCode = INT(nTempCode/10)
// get the digit
codes[nNum] = nTempCode-nNewCode*10

// show it in output for debug
trace codes[nNum]

nTempCode = nNewCode

// still something left - loop to label 10
if (nNewCode>0) then
   goto 10
//************ end of the goto loop ***********************

// here we are, the digits are in the codes array, but in wrong dirrection: codes[1] is the last digit
// remember that later !!!!

nNumberOfDigits = nNum-1

// we have this many digits in our secret code
// this determines the number of menus
trace nNumberOfDigits

// create a BAD 1 menu
menu = MenuAdd(FALSE,"BAD 1",FALSE)
// copy from the first in black box to the new created menu
MenuCopy(menusInBlackBox[1], menu)

// now link all objects from menusInBlackBox[1] to menu

// how many objects in the menu
nOb = ObjectGetCount(menusInBlackBox[1])

// link all from start to bad 1
for x=1 to nOb
next x

// put a star as text for user feedback
stars = "*"
object = ObjectAdd(menu,3,RGB(0,0,0),stars)

MenuPlaceNear(menu, menusInBlackBox[1], 0, 4)
MenuGroupWith(menu, menusInBlackBox[1],0)

// remeber the last good and bad menu
prevbad = menu
prevgood = menusInBlackBox[1]

// counter for codes array
codecounter = nNumberOfDigits

// now we need nNumberOfDigits-1 menu pairs
for y=1 to nNumberOfDigits-1

   name = "GOOD "+CHR(48+y)
   menuGood = MenuAdd(FALSE,name,FALSE)
   MenuCopy(menusInBlackBox[1], menuGood)
   // Place the box right of previous good and add it to the component
   MenuPlaceNear(menuGood, prevgood, 0, 2)
   MenuGroupWith(menuGood, prevgood,0)

   name = "BAD "+CHR(48+y+1)
   menuBad = MenuAdd(FALSE,name,FALSE)
   MenuCopy(menusInBlackBox[1], menuBad)
   // Place the box right of previous bad and add it to the component
   MenuPlaceNear(menuBad, prevbad, 0, 2)
   MenuGroupWith(menuBad, prevbad,0)
   // now link this good menu and previous bad menu to the bad menu
   for x=1 to nOb
   next x

   //link the object corresponding to the secret digit from last good menu to this good menu
   // add the star so users see feedback how many keys he enterred
   // we defined the stars before loop
   trace stars
   // add text object
   object = ObjectAdd(menuGood,3,RGB(0,0,0),stars)

   // the bad has one star more
   object = ObjectAdd(menuBad,3,RGB(0,0,0),stars)

   // because the array is in opposite order
   codecounter = codecounter-1

   // now rememv=ber the previous bad and good
   prevbad = menuBad
   prevgood = menuGood

next y

// BAD end ********************************************************************
// the last bad menu doesn't link to anything - it is the dead end ACCESS DENIED
for x=1 to nOb
   // since the ObjectDelete change the object order
   // we need to delete just the first object few times
next x

// delete also the stars text, we will put access denied
object = ObjectAdd(prevbad,3,RGB(0,0,0),"WRONG CODE")

// link it to the start
MenuEndLink(prevbad, menusInBlackBox[1])
// set timer to 1 sec before we go to the start

// GOOD END *************************************************
// this is the last menu
menuGood = MenuAdd(FALSE,"GOOD END",FALSE)
MenuCopy(menusInBlackBox[1], menuGood)
// right of last good menu
MenuPlaceNear(menuGood, prevgood, 0, 2)
// put it inside the Component
MenuGroupWith(menuGood, prevgood,0)

// delete all objects   
for x=1 to nOb
   // since the ObjectDelete change the object order
   // we need to delete just the first object few times
next x


// it should be 1, since this is the last digit = first in the array)
trace "Last Digit ",codecounter

// put a ACCESS OK text
object = ObjectAdd(menuGood,3,RGB(0,0,0),"ACCESS OK")

// set 2 sec timeout

// set this menu to be an output object in connection
MenuSetComponent(menuGood, FALSE, TRUE)

// now you need to connect the GOOD END with any menu

Created with DVD-lab Pro