Advanced Authoring - LabTALK - Details of Core language

This page describes in greater detail the core of the BASIC language used in LabTALK. Again it is not a tutorial about programming and it assumes users have some knowledge about programming. It is here more for reference and in form of examples. If you don't know what a for-next loop does then it won't help you to know its syntax.

Loop: for - next

The loop expects to be counting only upwards and its syntax is as in the example below

for i = 1 to 10
print i
next i

You can exit from loop anytime by simply overwriting the loop variable value

for i = 1 to 10
print i
if (i > 4) then
      i = 10
next i

loops can be also nested

for x = 1 to 10
for y = 1 to 10
print x,",",y
next y
next x

Condition: if -then- else -endif

A typical basic condition using if - then

a = 10
b = 20
if (a+b==30) then
print "true!"

You have to always close if with endif!

a = 40
b = 20
if (a+b==30) then
print "true!"
print "false!"

Inside the condition you can use these boolean operators and these operands:

Operand Syntax example Description
& if (a ==1 & b==2) then AND
| if (a ==1 | b==1) then OR
== if (a ==1) then is equal
if (a != 1 ) then
if (a <> 1 ) then
is not equal
<= if (a <=1 ) then if less or equal
< if (a < 1 ) then if less
>= if (a >= 1 ) then if bigger or equal
> if (a > 1 ) then if bigger

Printing to screen: print, trace, print msg

Printing values of variables is done with print command. There are few flavors of it, each has the same syntax:

Command How it works
print Output to Output window if run from within lab-TALK script editor
If run directly (drag-and dropping) it will show a pop=up window
trace Output only to Output window. If run directly, nothing will be print. Good for debugging
print msg like print, but it will always pop-up message and never print to output window. The pop-up window will have "Continue Script?" thext added that allows to break the script run.

The syntax of all print commands is simple. Consider the sample below:

a = 10
b =
" Hello"
print "just text"
print a
print a+10
print "Variable:", a
print "Variable:", a ," String", b

Input command
This command is used to popout an input dialog where user can change one or more variables.

A simple usage is this:

a = 10
input "Set variable a", a

When you run the script a labTALK input dialog will be shown:

Obviously there places for more variables on the input dialog and indeed, you can use:

a = 10
b =
input "Set variable a", a, "Set String", b

Running this will show:

Special input commands.

The input dialog can also modify the way how you enter the data.

This is done by setting CHECK: inside the string

a = TRUE
input "CHECK:Set checkbox", a

File box with browse button
This is done by setting FILE: inside the string

a = "C:\\myfile.txt"
input "FILE:Set file", a

Color box with color selection button
This is done by setting COLOR: inside the string

a = RGB(255,0,0)
input "COLOR:Set color", a

Option box (combo box)
The options follow after ':' and are divided by '|'. The variable is from 0 ...number of options -1

a = 1
input "Select Option:Option 1|Option 2|Option 3", a

In the above example, the return value (in "a") will be 0, 1 or 2.


A variable bCancelInput will become TRUE if user press Cancel on the input dialog.

A code below will exit the script if user press Cancel:

input "COLOR:Select Color ", color1   
//allow cancel   
if bCancelInput then
trace "Cancelled"

end - finish script
The command end will simply finish the script

if bCancelInput then

It is not necessary to put "end" at the end of script, but if you have subroutines, you have to put end before them, see gosub below.

goto - go to a label
The label is a number. Any number will do. Please do not confuse the labels with line numbers. It has nothing to do with them.

10 input "Value 1 or 2", a
if (a==1) then
goto 100
if (a==2) then
goto 200
print "I can understand 1 or 2"
goto 10

100 print msg "You entered One"
print msg "You entered Two"

The program will loop untill you enter 1 or 2 then it will display the message.
The labels don't have to be in sequential order, but it makes the program look more logical. (The numerical labels come from the time of first computers when every line written in BASIC had its own number, but we no longer use that so only the labels remained)

Gosub - go to subroutine
Subroutines in BASIC have to be at the very end of the script and must be labeled by label number (this has nothing to do with line numbers). Returning from a subroutine is done with the return command.

print "1"
gosub 100
print "2"

print "subroutine"

The printed result will be:


Note the end command before the subroutine will finish the script. It is required to have an "end" statement before you write any subroutines.