I would like to thank you, for trying, and for using this software (and also for reading this documentation).
I must also thank you for sharing with me the vision of a "new type of illustration software" and I hope you will have a lot of fun using it, at least as much fun as I had making it.
The software combines both - simplicity and power. I worked many hours just on the user interface - to make it easy to use with a set of specially designed controls.
But it doesn't stop here, there is much more in Pattern Studio than could be described in this manual.
Because of its flexibility you could create something new everyday, almost as if a Pattern Studio had a life of its own.
In fact it has, check the About box :-)
Many thanks to these people who helped me with this help file in their spare time:
Thanks for your support.
Roman Voska
Pattern Studio author
March-July 2001, Canada
(c) Mediachance 2001-2008