Cowboy Who? is the full first 12 episodes of our all-ages kids show that has been played on both commercial and educational TV networks and was quite a hit at its time. Amazingly, almost nobody had seen it.
Part hallucination, part labor of love, it is, at the same time, like nothing you’ve ever seen, and exactly like the sort of low-budget local children’s television programming that every city has hidden away somewhere on the dial.
The basic premise of the show is just bizarre from the get-go. The host of the show disappears only minutes into the first episode (for the rest of the season!) and an unlikely replacement host is corralled (pun intended) into taking over by the puppet sidekick. The remainder of the season tries to carry on the “cowboy” show (and doing a very poor job at remaining a “cowboy” show) while trying to discover what happened to the original host. Despite its seeming chaos, as the season progresses, so many of the wild speculations of the increasingly demented investigator turn out to be true, and the season wraps itself up in a nice weird little package (and ready for season two! … the show ran for three and a half seasons).
Lot’s and lot’s of ads, absurd but true characters, indescribable regular features such as the irreverently re-dubbed 30s serial “Trail of the Royal Mounted” or the astonishingly misinformational “Think about it” (actually shot on location in Africa!)(“no, really, it was”) makes this show required viewing for anybody seeking personality growth or shrinkage (yes, it works both ways).
Because we wanted it to appeal to all audiences it has:
- bright colors and silly puppets that will hypnotize babies
- sight gags and silly jokes that sometimes keep little kids from throwing things at the screen for minutes at a time
- anti-authoritarian sarcasm for preteens and teens (okay, teens think it’s just dumb, but they sometimes are amused by how dumb)
- hidden (wink wink) meanings and hints at profound themes for adults that manage to remain awake
- even a couple things only really old people would get
- pets seem to enjoy it too
- and robots! Lots of stuff for robots!
To sample the programming quality you can expect from our show, please see the advertisement for Kitchen Hammer from the very first Episode. This explains many things... |
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Note: Canadian customers can order it from until we find a Canadian distributor
* There is very little paper used during making our DVD