A personal Introduction

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A personal Introduction

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If you are looking for a single officially sounding sentence characterizing Photo Blend then it should read something like this:



Note: Photo Blend had been renamed to Photo Blend 3D in its newest version because of its unexpected ability to create 3D anaglyphs.


Standard software manuals are very impersonal.
They describe the software as a work of some other people. That is of course true in a big company, but here in the Mediachance bunker, I actually did the whole thing. I spend months thinking about the logic of such software, then I program it, tweaking every single detail as best I could. And now I am trying to write this manual while on another screen I am still fine-tuning the software. In this regard Photo Blend is a truly a personal work.


The benefit of this arrangement is that I can not only describe how to use a function, but I can also tell you why I did put it there in a first place.


This is not a manual that would list functions in some artificial order and then tell you what they do. It is an example oriented guide. I will try to do some simple projects and explain every function just as it is needed.