I prepared few other clips as well, including two logos. One interesting way of making animated logo is described below. It actually uses wipes (transition effects) to do the trick.
First I took the DVD-lab logo, that has been designed in Real-Draw and changed it for black background:
Then I broke it down to four elements and exported each element as a transparent PNG.
Then I added these elements to Vegas, added black background and start playing with transitions and timing.
The idea is just simple - I use the build in transitions to work on each element so the elements will combine into the logo at the end.
In most of the Video editing applications you can change the parameters of the transition and so it can be fitted to satisfy most of the ideas. For example on my logo, I used 3D blinds on the orange X image, but I changed the properties to have only one blind. This then works as a 3D rotation of whole image.
I used this technique couple of times to create a logo animation without much of the work.
You can watch this logo here
