has set of many surprisingly cool bitmap effects. Some of
them are very hard to find anywhere else. We even
learned that some of the users are using MMB also to enhance
the images for web pages, web banners*, advertisements etc..(!)
all because of the unique set of effects.
Color Tweak is a group of thirty
new image enhancing effects you can apply to your bitmap
you will find color and image filters for: Color Boost,
Balance, Contrast, Sharpen, Antialiasing, Color Shift, Solarize,
Quantize, Emboss, Mosaic and also many special modern effects
like Page Curl, Color Melter, Aged Photos, Poster Art, Neon
Art and much more....
Some of the effects in Color Tweak you can find only in
professional graphics applications.

title banner for this page was also created all in MMB using
Urban Art effect and text.