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At this moment the mask of the horse should be done. In fact it was done (reasonably well) in the very first chapter of Masking section, but then I just couldn't stop blabbing about how you could still make it better.


So I am going to say Bye to the more technical half of the Photo Blend and run to the other creative side which is all about composition and art.

It is like our brain where one side is rational and the other is creative, to which Wikipedia quickly jumps in with "While functions (of brain) are lateralized, these are only a tendency". Ok, so this left and right brain thing is a nonsense made for readers of self-help books, but the left and right side of Photo Blend is a very real. (and Wikipedia says nothing about that)


Let's sum up the previous fifty or so pages: We created a mask over an horse.

Yup, that sums up things pretty nicely and gives the word "efficiency" a whole new meaning.


To get to the "other side" all I need to do is to click the Edit Composition button or click on the Composition preview just above that button. (we've done that few times already)

