Creating a Simple Mask

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Creating a Simple Mask

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One of the strength of Photo Blend is that it allows creating a simple masks that often looks fine. I did say "fine", mind you, but that is very often enough for most quick montages. If, for example, I am creating a photo composition that I want to use in the Dynamic Auto Painter, I certainly don't need to bother with very fine masks.

Or perhaps I want to post something quick on a web page or forum where it will be viewed in a screen size then most of my quick masking would still be fine.


Photo Blend will blend a quick and imprecise mask with the backdrop while automatically trying to hide imperfections.


Most of the masking in Photo Blend should be done with a sharp, hard mask. A feathered or softened mask should be used only in places where it is required for the scene, for example where it needs to gradually blend with the backdrop.

Even thin strands of hair should be masked with hard edge (if masked at all), even if it looks rather crude if you are used to a normal photo editor.


For most simple masks I use the Paint Mask brush, and this is what I will show you in this section.