Fixing things

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Fixing things

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Most of the fixes can be achieved with the Erase Mask tool and Push/Pull tool. And this is what I usually do in that order. If there is overly sharp edge in the composition for example, I may pick the Eraser, set a bit of Softness and then brush with the soft edge around the problematic part to soften it. If the mask gets too far and it somehow shows on the Composition (it may show as backdrop smearing near the edge) I will set the softness to zero and use the Eraser to bite from the mask while keeping sharp edges or I will use Push/Pull tool to kick it back where it belongs..


But we already used Eraser tool in previous chapter, so why not to spice things up and introduce the new Live Curve Tool.


Curve tool is from a family of three: The Curve, the Poly and the Free Hand. (Sounds like my family when I was a a teenager)
They all sort of get you to the same end point of having a live (adjustable) mask from enclosed shape but each in a different way.


I am going to fix the quick brush job on the horse harness with the Curve Tool, not because it really needs to be absolutely perfect but because I want to show you the coolness of the Curve tool...