Paint Mask Brush

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Paint Mask Brush

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Keyboard Shortcut: B


The Brush is actually pretty good tool for Photo Blend as I demonstrated in previous chapter. When selecting brush, the right side pane will shows Brush Size, Softness and Opacity. Now with a nice sized brush I simply paint inside horse everywhere where is a left out.




Because I am in Photo Blend and not in professional standard (PS) editor and even my previous mask worked well for the scene, I am not going to sweat over the edges too much, if I go a bit overboard or not quite to the edges, so be it.

However in general it is better to stay bit inside of the object than outside.


Note: Normally, it is always better to use hard brush in Photo Blend - the Brush Softness is set to zero - to isolate objects from their background. Photo Blend is build to deal with the hard edges and pickup the important parts of the object. A soft edge means more of a gradual blend. (for example if I want to replace Mona Lisa's face with my own I will use Soft Brush for the mask of my face to have more gradual edges)


Brush Opacity is not used very often, but may come handy for areas that are more transparent than others on the object (car windshield?). A Brush Opacity dial sets the opacity as a sort of limit, painting object ten times over with half of the opacity dial will not add the mask up to the full strength as you would expect in a normal editor, it will still be half-opacity - otherwise this tool will be very hard to control.

For the part of the harness that is outside the the horse, I will again zoom in, set the brush Softness to zero and choose a small brush and sort of draw generally over the harness, again not really worried about the edges too much because after all we are in Photo Blend and I promised you the stars and the moon in the very first chapter.




Well I am going to show you how to fix this in next chapter anyway.


The horse is all under mask but so are few things on the background. Again, I am not going to mess with the picks and wands, I will call my other friend Erase Mask brush.