primary work is the video taping of High School sports events using
the Sony VX 700 Mini DVC format. This camera with its 1/2" chip
produces excellent digital video, from which a still can be captured
in the JPG or other format. Low light and poorly colored images
have presented me with many problems. Of course I wish for well
composed well lit JPG and othere images to work with, but circumstances
and candid work often results in unuseable images. I downloaded
the DCEnhancer and as a test pulled
an Image which appeared to be almost a b/w image. This particular
Image is one which had proven unworkable. I have other paint and
photo retouch programs which are popular, they failed, and I forgot
the image. ZDnet hot files presented the DCEnhance as a free download,
and seeing it I took the chance. I say chance because I dont like
filling my rather limited HD with un-neccessary applications.
image opened and for the first time, a trash image looked hopeful,
and by playing with the adjustments, an interesting and useable
color JPG was created.
situation is somewhat unique, in that I exclusively use the DVC
format to acquire images. The Digital Video does give me huge selection
to work from. Consider 30 frames per second and shooting 10 or 20
seconds of video as a minimum. Actually I shoot much longer scenes
and will edit both video and stills from the footage. Having Hundreds
of images of a subject allows you to capture the fleeting emotions
of the individual. A rule of thumb when choosing a DVC camera is,
the larger the chip size the better the resolution.
regret that, I cannot report on this companys other products, because
the DCEnhance has performed far beyond any expectation.
Bill Ames
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