Easy to use software to quickly combine parts of different photos into a new photo montage, mashup or
Photo Blend is a new generation of photo montage
Designed from the ground up, it gives you the unique
ability to quickly and easily combine parts of different
photos into a single composition. Then export your
final work as a normal 2D photo or make 3D
stereography and anaglyph images as well.
With features such as automatic color adjustment,
automatic masks, stage light studio, and so much
more, you will have more time to focus on the creative
and artistic aspect of the whole process.
Photo Blend has few features that are unique among photo editors
Photo Blend will automatically adjust the ambient light and colors of the objects to visually snap into the
environment even if the source images are very different.
BONUS: 3D stereography
No other editor comes even close to the easy interactive way of creating 3D stereograms and anaglyphs. Just
switch to 3D mode, put on your 3D red-cyan glasses and you can directly adjust the third dimensions of your
The aim of Photo Blend is
to create quick photo
compositions and having
fun doing it
2. Then use Dynamic Auto
Painter to create a highly
realistic painting from it
1. Use Photo-Blend to prepare
an art montage from your
Automatic Ambient lights and colors
Automatic & Flexible Masking
This is your most powerful tool! Not only do you have several tools like the
Magic Wand, Mask from Curve or Mask from Hue, you can also simply paint the
mask with a brush or use the new Interactive Masking feature.
Everything in Photo Blend is always
editable. All effects are LIVE and can
be changed or removed at any time.
Unlike other photo editing applications,
Photo Blend was designed for photo
composition. So not only are the tools
specifically made to help with this task,
but they are also easily accessible and
ready to use so you don’t waste time
hunting for the right one.
Masking is the bread and butter of composition and Photo Blend
has more than 10 different masking tools.
Forgiving masks allows you to mask and blend a very difficult images with striking results.
Forgiving Masks
Automatic masks
Auto-Adjusting Colors
Virtual Stage Light Studio
Object recognition techniques to create masks in
Auto hair/edge mask brush
Lens flare and Camera Lens Blur
Multiple Undo/Redo
3D stereogram and 3D anaglyph
32 and 64 bit Windows versions
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