Copyright © 2018 Mediachance. All rights reserved.
About MediaChance
Photo Reactor
Nodal Image Processor
Photo Reactor

Tutorials and Learning

Beginners Corner - basic and gentle introduction by Bil Abington Beginners Corner (PDF) Manual. The manual is already included in the installation, but it can be also downloaded separately: Reactor Manual (PDF)

Plugins and SDK

The example projects are made for MS VC6 and MS VS2008 and do not dependent on any external libraries or MFC so they can be easily used in other compilers or MS VS editions. Furthermore the Photo-Reactor itself can create the UI interface and C++ source code for the plug-in where you just fill in the blanks. PluginSDK Download Included Samples: plugin - a basic plugin that desaturate the image with a slider for strength and check box for inversion. (Similar to the Desaturate effect in Reactor) pluginbind - example how to create a binding plug-in with a simple on-the-workspace slider object that can control value of other objects (Similar to the Slider object in Reactor) pluginrect - an example of drawing semi-transparent rectangle on the image and the calculation necessary for preview cropping (Similar to the Simple Shape object in Reactor) - separate download for 2 input plugin sample Guide to Photo-Reactor SDK by Andy Dansby. Thanks to the broad range of topics it also doubles as a great introductory to graphic programming: Photo Reactor SDK (PDF) Source code companion to the SDK document:,,, Generate Source Code (Menu Tools) The Photo-Reactor can generate the necessary Source code for the plug-in UI and class which will set up the interface and settings. You will receive generated plugin.cpp file that can be simply substituted in the example projects - that's all.

Plugins and SDK

Plugin examples

Plugin 32-bit 64-bit Description
QR Code Generator
(c) Mediachance
included in installation included in installation Generates QR bar code on the image
by andydansby
luminancex86 Luminance64 Extracts the Luminance from an RGB image using 17 methods
by andydansby
Sepiax86 Sepia64 Turns your image into an olde time image by placing a Sepia toning matrix to your image
by andydansby
Daltonismx86 --- Simulates Color Blindness
White Balance
by andydansby
whitebalancex86 whitebalance64 In this plugin, I demonstrate white balance with 4 standard routines, Histogram stretch, White Pixel, Grey World and Modified Grey World. I also have 4 experimental white balance routines.
Source code:


by andydansby

monotone monotone64

Any color you want Sepia.

Here's a link to the source code.

( compiled using VS2012)


by andydansby

blendplusplusx32 blendplusplusx64 This plugin contains 27 different blending modes and a strength dial.
Windows 10,8,7
Photo Reactor
Photo Reactor + Reactor Player for Photoshop
$89 +tax $68 +tax