IMPORTANT: During the recent development a bug was found in the CQuill and NovelForge code that might slowly keep
increasing size of the project file. This will start slowing down loading the project over time and can lead to even bigger
!!! It is important you use or newer that will sanitize your prior projects and fixes this long hidden bug !!!
Itroducing AI Assistants in the Editor window. Select text and use one of the many AI assistants to help
you with it. Or create your own.
Editor displays tokens estimate besides the word count.
Ollama forces the context length to 2048 tokens by default so a modelfile creation was added in CTX window where you can clone Ollama
models using longer context
Link to documents, now AI can chat with your documents such as character card, world setting, or
your manuscript
some highliting issues and potential racing condition and other quick fixes
New AI-Chat added
Moved from Documents\CQuillWriter to Documents\NovelForge
other changes related to better document management
• Added AI embeddings, Smileys in the Chat editor
improved undo logic
Updated epub to text
Added EPUB to TXT conversion.
This can be found either in Style Assistant - Create New Assistant or in the text
documents (Manuscript/Notes) menu Document - Extras
Version (the last six digits indicate the date of compile)
Renamed from CQuill to NovelForge (there are many plans to push this further)
New Feature: Clipart Library for Characters and Settings
Save time with the new built-in Clipart Library. Add images to your Character,
Setting, or Image Wall without searching online.
500+ Images are included: A wide range of sorted characters and settings to
enhance your projects. Easily expandable.
Some minor fixes
Added Highlight Sticky Sentences
Sticky sentences have more glue words than normal. Glue words are often used to create transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and
sections. ("and", "but", and "that"). They're also considered as empty space in your writing. If the number of glue words is high, the entire
text will be boring to read.
Added Highlight Weak Words
When you use strong words, they create a more vivid image in the reader's mind and also give them a better idea of what you're talking
about. In contrast when you use weaker or vague words, it leaves something to be desired for your readership.
(the last six digits indicate the date of compile)
Better handling languages with special characters (for example French à, è, ù). This UTF-8/Unicode issue affected Assistant and related
functions (like Monkey Novelist)
Please note: CQuill Writer current support is primary for English language, there is no thesaurus, spellcheck or lexicon for other languages yet
- hence these functions would not work correctly. However you can still create a non-English Assistant and it will show you suggestions from
non-English books (the part of speech tags would be incorrect though)
Improved spell-checker
Other minor GUI changes
Added *.jpeg to available input files (previously there was only *.jpg)
(the last six digits indicate the date of compile)
Improved Main Thesaurus (147K unique words, 4.2 Million cross-referenced entries)
Improved spell-checker (199K entries)
Other minor changes
Added Franz Kafka Assistant
(the last six digits indicate the date of compile)
Added Webp image format
Fix: Creating new character or setting will correctly erase the Wordsheet
The main thesaurus has now 98-99% of commonly used English words (including slang, archaic, modern and some technical words). The
Unique word count increased almost 20K from previous version
Lexicon (spell-checker) updated with thousands of entries.
All included Thematic Dictionaries were updated to new versions (adding many new entries)
Ability to increase font size of Assistant and Thesaurus
Other routine fixes and additions.
(the last six digits indicate the date of compile)
A bit more frequent saving, some fix for saving character board and plot board (sometimes it didn’t save when switching documents,
hopefully this would be a fix)
Some more stability checks.
CTR+S shortcut for saving projects
New Feature: Monkey Novelist - this AI will use the Assistant’s book to complete your sentence. This is more for amusement than anything
else (or maybe an inspiration?). Some of the things it writes are so hilarious and even worth posting.
Ctrl+W Monkey adds phrase
Ctrl+E Monkey tries to rewrite the last one again
We call it a Monkey Novelist, because it reminds me of monkey stealing a computer and trying to write a novel that sort of sounds like the real
thing but it is gibberish. It is very similar to some bots writing nonsense on web sites, pretending to have content.
Improved Assistant view, tries to sort the sentences a bit smarter, especially when you enter two or three words in the search box by
keeping the most relevant on the top
Updated main thesaurus (now it is nearly 130K unique entries) and lexicon with thousands of new entries
Updated dictionaries Jane Austen, Mystery, Scientific General, Modern Narrative, each with thousands new entries)
Other small things and improvements (like automatic menu reset etc…)
(the last six digits indicate the date of compile)
Installation doesn’t asks anymore if you want for all users or you only and makes all users as default . This should install it in Program
Files, rather than in AppData as before when you choose to install it for you account only
Fix: Create new Project now remembers if you change the default Project folder to somewhere else
Usability fix: In case of writing permissions issues, the software should tell you that it can’t create files, not pretend to continue
New: Readibility check, highlights sentences that are hard to read (yellow and red) plus settings to change the threshold for each
Added TTR (Time to read) metrics in the status bar
Updated Unified Thesaurus with 20k new entries so we should now call it 120K
Lexicon & spellcheck updated with thousands of entries
Jane Austen Dictionary updated
Introduction project updated