Plot Your Journey
From Plot Boards to Character Cards, Image Walls to Timelines, NovelForge offers tools for every type of
writer. Whether you're a Pantser, Plotter, or anything in between.
Plot Boards
The Plot Board is a time-tested tool for crafting books, TV shows, and movie scripts. It’s so
timeless, it dates back to when people lived in caves. (Have you seen the Lascaux cave
paintings? That’s practically the plot of an action movie right there!)
With Plot Board Cards, you can jot down a few words about each scene and rearrange
them within your novel's virtual space.
Need more than one Plot Board? No problem. You can create as many as you like. One
for each act, character, or story thread.
Like many features in NovelForge, the Plot Board supports keywords on sticky notes that
link to chapters, characters, other documents, or even other Plot Boards. Plot boldly and
organize effortlessly
Characters and Settings Creator
Add motivation images, write characters synopsis and add keyword for traits and personality. The character cards are the perfect place to outline your
Timelines are another versatile plotting tool, designed to adapt
perfectly to your unique way of thinking.
A timeline can be as simple as a sequence of events, like chapters,
beats, or scenes, or as detailed as a real-world calendar with actual
Zoom in to plan down to the hour for your intricate whodunit
mystery, or keep it high-level for broader story arcs.
With the ability to create multiple timelines, each with its own time
frame, you can not only organize your story but also your life. Why
not add deadlines for chapters or even your next dentist
appointment? Balance creativity and productivity with ease!
Big Image Wall
What’s plotting without a proper corkboard, complete with unflattering snapshots of relatives, random people from the internet, notes, wiggly connection
strings, and your most preposterous ideas? The Image Wall is all that and more!
Smart Tags, Color Tags and Keywords
As your project grows, you'll quickly come to appreciate how documents in NovelForge
automatically link together. You might think you’ll always remember which chapter your
protagonist stole their first kiss, or their first spaceship, but trust us, you probably won’t.
That’s where keyword tags become your best friends.
With Smart Tags, any text file can link to other documents, and everything stays in sync.
If a tag links to Chapter 22, it will still work even if Chapter 22 later becomes Chapter 34.
Chapter tags can take you straight to character descriptions, related timelines, word
sheets, or other chapters.
But Smart Tags don’t stop there! They can also type text for you, open a custom
dictionary on a selected word (yes, you can create your own dictionaries!), or even
search the internet—if staying connected is your thing.
Every item on the timeline can link directly to a document
in your project. Simply double-click, and you'll be taken
right to it!
Each document in NovelForge can also have a color tag, making it perfect for organizing multiple perspectives. For example, all documents (chapters,
notes, timelines, pictures) related to John’s POV could be red, Paul’s could be yellow, Ringo’s blue... and the fourth one? Let’s go with green—if we care to
include him.
Color tags aren’t just for looks; they make searching your manuscript much easier. Assign tags to chapters and find what you need in no time!